Mark Beylin

Mark Beylin (Myco)

Toronto-based Mark is passionate about a lot, but 2 things stand out for him: Skiing and how he can help communities to create legal entities that allows to distribute ownership and incentives with its members and creators. Mark believes that not every DAO has to be focused on Crypto and Web3. Instead, DAOs should democratize access and the power of the tools.

As a result he started Myco providing communities with an easy and quick way to launch LLCs that are collectively owned.

About the Show

Decentralized autonomous organizations, or DAOs, are all the rage. We’re seeing explosive growth in this sector as people experiment with building companies on top of tokens and smart contracts. If you want to get a better understanding of why this is happening, listen to the people that work, build and invest in them: the members.

Join me on my personal journey of discovery, a series of talks with the Web3 builders about DAOs, Life and everything else.

Graham Spencer

How people share their availability and generate stronger commitments via token staking

Spencer is a product manager for DAOhaus, and a RaidGuild contributor. During his Web3 travels, he's noticed that there are usually 2 kinds of people in DAOs - those that dip their finger in multiple projects, and those who focus on one project only. Now, he's championing incentive based mechanisms that make people share their availability and generate stronger commitments via token staking. That, and he thinks that DAOs can be an answer to climate change.